Work Cover

WorkCover injuries can include physical injuries as well as psychological disorders

These can happen while you’re at work, traveling to or from your job, on a scheduled break or as a direct result of doing your job.

Your GP play a significant role in your WorkCover claim process if you are having treatment from them for your work related injury, illness or condition.

The GP usually assess your condition, provides certificates of capacity and assist you to return to work and stay at work.

Injuries sustained at work as well as psychological problems are treated by kind and knowledgeable Work Cover Doctors at Hill Cove Medical Centre.

Did you get any injury at work?

Facing any psychological issues due to work?

Any of your health issue getting worsened at work?

Immediately inform your employer about the work-related injury or illness.

Seek medical help, see a doctor so they can assess your injury and determine treatment for recovery.

Ask the doctor to provide you with a work capacity certificate.


Hill Cove Medical Centre is here to support you through your illness and the healing process.

Our highly experienced Doctors are fellows of the Royal Australian College (FRACGP) and have a special interest in work-related injuries

Our specialist general practitioner can comprehensively assess and diagnose your injury, provide you any documentation required for lodging you claim, initiate any treatments, assess your capacity for work and formalise a rehabilitation plan.

We also offer onsite allied health services such as Physiotherapy and Psychology that work in conjunction with our doctors to provide the best care available.

Dr. Arif Majeed and Dr. Ghulam Mustafa have a special interest in workcover injuries.

They deal with work-related physical injuries as well as psychological issues.